in between bites & sips ...

thanks for stopping by! here's where i put various thought, quotes or stories. most will be brief, some may be extended - but all will be somehow connected to my world. enjoy your stay!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Something to think about ...

It seems the following thought from last Sunday's sermon has been lingering in the hearts and minds of many who heard it:

"As a church, it seems we spend all our time building an army that never goes into battle."

That's not exactly how I said it (you can hear the sermon at, but you get the idea. We keep preparing for a battle we never engage in! One these days, we shouldn't just talk about making a difference in this world - we should just go out and do it! We'll never feel fully prepared. We'll never feel like we know enough. We'll never feel primed for success. At some point, we just need to step into the batter's box and take that first swing!

It's my prayer that Liberty Assembly wouldn't just talk about becoming a great church, but that we would just simply BE a great church. If Jesus is our source and strength ... how can we fail?!

Let's live our lives sharing the love of Jesus every moment of the day, everywhere we go, to everyone we encounter. THAT, my friends, is what Jesus did. THAT, my friends, is our marching order!

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