in between bites & sips ...

thanks for stopping by! here's where i put various thought, quotes or stories. most will be brief, some may be extended - but all will be somehow connected to my world. enjoy your stay!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday Recap from the Bolivian Hope Center

Another great day has come to a close. This was a wet one - in fact, I think this is the first time I've had a full rainy day in my 3 trips to Bolivia!

People define success differently - but, I can't think of even one way that this trip to Bolivia has been anything but a success ...

We're getting the work done at a great pace with the 2nd floor of the Hope Center almost finished being painted and all the electrical work just about done. We also rebuild a wall at the front of the complex up to the needed 9 feet in order to keep robbers out.

We're having a lot of fun - more laughs that we will ever be able to recount for you.

We're receiving a sense of spiritual fulfillment as we work selflessly in an area of the world that not only needs it, but that responds so wonderfully to the love we show.

I'm sure there are a million things I'm forgetting that should be inserted next, but, finally and most importantly - we're blessing the children here. For so many reasons, these kids have no hope - but - if for only a few days we can give them hope that someone loves them and cares about them, then we've done the best thing we can do. For some kids, even in the US - if all we can do is bless them with a Christmas present while the rest of their life is a wreck - then it's a good thing we do that. In the same way, if all we can do is bless these kids for a week of the year, we've done a good thing. And, just like I have treasured memories from my childhood, we're giving these kids memories they will treasure forever. Maybe someday, when life takes a turn for the worse for them, they will remember the hug one of us gave them (or the candy, or the horsey ride, or the toy, or even just the smile) and they will choose to not give up on hope! Money is great, but sending money doesn't give them hope. Prayer is powerful, but sending ourselves is the answer to prayer they really need.

It's not about the work (because, really, anyone who lives here in Bolivia could do it) - it's about the personal contact. We bless the kids by touching them with our love, and they bless us by showing us what a treasure that love is that they not only receive, but reciprocate.

For those who are interested, I have posted here the sermon I preached at the Temple of Faith here in Cochabamba, Bolivia with missionary Rich Farthing interpreting into Spanish for me. The sermon is a little over 15 minutes long.

2 Things Common to All from Rob Morris on Vimeo.

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