in between bites & sips ...

thanks for stopping by! here's where i put various thought, quotes or stories. most will be brief, some may be extended - but all will be somehow connected to my world. enjoy your stay!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Snapshots from Ministry Day 2

I FOUND COCOA PUFFS!!! (well, it's called Milo ... but it's the same thing!)

Sunday devotions - I hope everyone stays away for my turn to lead on Monday!

See! I AM working!!!

My wall stands, in spite of the formidable pressure applied to it by my bulging muscles.

Sunday morning worship service at Temple of Faith, right next door to the Bolivian Hope Center.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Rob,
Isn't wonderful how the locals are so free in worship and eager to hear the word and respond to it?
The building materials are very similar as to what we used when we in Paraguay. Neatness is not as important as it is here in the states. As long as the walls are fairly straight all is well.
The work is hard but very rewarding. The locals are so happy to work along side of you. Enjoy the rest of your stay and take advantage of the warm weather. It is 6 degrees this am in Ohio as write. COLD!!!
In His Service,

Anonymous said...

It's really nice being able to hear about your daily exploits. You are certainly having a lot of new experiences. Dad and I laughed about your speaking French to the children since, after all, it IS a foreign language!
So glad to see your wall is still standing. We can put your new skill to work at our place.
And I can't believe you actually found Cocoa Puffs in Bolivia. Leave it to you!!!
Love and Prayers, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Rob,

I look forward to your blog everyday. Seeing your progress and laughing at your side jokes. I'm glad to see that your wall is still standing. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I am praying for you daily. Take care, looking forward to more of your updates.
